Checking emails whilst cooking dinner? 7 ways to maintain the work-life cycle whilst remote working.


Reminder - remind yourself there is not a ‘One size fits all’ for finding your balance, as it is YOUR balance. Do not compare yourself to how one person works when it does not work for you (WP Creative Group, 2021). Try asking yourself: What is balance for you?

  1. Schedule in time - I live by my diary, I schedule in each task and most importantly, I schedule breaks! Mine can look a bit like 9am-11am: Check emails and Draft article on Work-Life balance. 11-11:30am: Cup of tea and snack time. Reminding yourself to relax a little bit, as we do have to remind ourselves sometimes!

  2. Ignore domestic tasks - Whilst remote working, it's easy to see the dirty dishes on the side or that the bathroom could do with a good clean. Whilst hard to ignore, it is procrastination and will have you feeling behind on work by the end of the day. Try to ignore domestic tasks during work time, and instead schedule in some time for them. You will be far more productive (and it could be a nice break from the screen too!).

  3. Treating yourself - Plan little rewards for yourself after completing tasks: Coffee break with friends, cooking a nice lunch, setting up your laptop in your favourite cafe for the morning. Not only motivating you to get your tasks done, but also essential for your mental and social wellbeing to look after yourself.

  4. Co-Working - Invite a friend or co-worker to spend the day with you working. This could be virtually or physically. Although you’ll both have your head down working, it's nice to have some company and can make you more creative.

  5. Think about the week ahead - At the beginning of each week, plan it. With what tasks you want to get done, and allocate days to do them. Like I said before, I plan each day to the hour. It may be excessive, and I don’t always follow it, but it adds structure to my day so I continue to feel productive.

  6. End of day habits - At the end of the day, it is easy to shut your laptop and leave your desk till tomorrow. But spending 10 minutes at the end of each day to tidy your workspace and make a to-do list for tomorrow, making it easier to settle into work the following day (Mind, 2021).

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WP Creative Group (2021) How the most innovative companies excel at work-life balance. The Washington Post [online]. Available at: 

Mind (2021) #DifficultWorkLifeBalance. Mind [online]. Available at:


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